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Why is Your Refrigeration Unit not Cooling?

DATE: Feb 23rd, 2023

With food safety as a global concern, truck&van refrigeration units have also seen a new market peak. Whether long-distance or short-distance transport of vegetables and fruits and other goods, truck refrigeration play a very important role.

But many refrigerated truck drivers in the refrigeration unit use process, there are so many misunderstandings, resulting in the refrigerator refrigeration effect is weakened, the goods preservation effect is poor. The phenomenon of spoilage and deterioration has led to high overall transport costs Sung. Next, TKT will talk to you about what misunderstand there are in the use of truck&van refrigeration units.

Misunderstand 1: the refrigerator can directly reduce the temperature of the goods

The two main functional components of the refrigerated vehicle is the compartment and the refrigerator. Which, the role of the refrigerator is to reduce the temperature of the compartment, and the role of the compartment is to maintain heat preservation. Maintain the temperature stability of the compartment. For example, we will refrigerator temperature set at -2 ℃. After a period of time, the compartment body temperature can reach 0 ℃. The refrigerator continues to work, the compartment body can stabilize its own temperature at about 0 ℃, but the compartment body and the compartment body of goods temperature will not continue to reduce.

Misunderstand 2: the higher the temperature of the goods, the faster the cooling speed

This idea is also wrong, not the higher the temperature of the goods the faster the cooling speed. On the contrary, the lower the temperature of the goods themselves, the easier the compartment temperature to drop. For example, the goods in the compartment is fruits and vegetables or yoghurt, the goods themselves are at about 6 ℃, if we set the temperature of the refrigeration machine at -6 ℃, in order to bring the temperature of the goods down to 2 ℃. but if the goods are themselves at a temperature of a few degrees below zero Ice cream, we will compartment temperature to -18 ℃, the compartment temperature will be easy to drop.

Misunderstand 3: The less cargo in the compartment, the faster the cooling speed

The less goods in the compartment, the larger the volume of air in the box, the slower the heat discharged from the compartment. So that the less goods in the compartment, the faster the cooling speed of this idea is wrong. Less loaded goods is not only detrimental to cooling, but also increase the cost burden of the owner.

Misunderstand 4: the greater the cooling capacity, the more quality of the condenser high performance

The size of the refrigeration capacity, to a certain extent, can reflect the high and low performance of the condenser.The greater the refrigeration capacity, the faster the cooling speed of the refrigerated body, in fact, the refrigeration capacity of the condenser is also more expensive. However, TKT friendly reminder: the refrigeration capacity of the condenser, the consumption of battery power is also relatively large. Appropriate is the best choice. If your reefer belongs to a small truck or van, then choose a small refrigeration capacity of the condenser is completely sufficient, do not spend more money to pursue large refrigeration capacity.

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